We’re Moving Soon!


The first year and a half of our church’s existence could be best described as a joyful rollercoaster.

During this time we’ve walked through a pandemic together (socially distanced, of course); we’ve wrestled through sicknesses together; we’ve mourned the death of loved ones together; we’ve rejoiced over the birth of our precious babies together; we’ve fostered and adopted our beloved children together; we’ve served our neighbors together; we’ve shared the gospel together; we’ve celebrated salvations together; we’ve laughed together; we’ve cried together; and now we have the opportunity to move together!

Our time gathering for worship on Sunday mornings at the Moorer YMCA has been such a joy. But, it is now time for us to embark on a new journey together. On May 23, we will be moving our corporate gatherings on Sunday morning to Dumas Wesley.

Dumas Wesley is a nonprofit organization with the mission to “educate, empower and enrich our local community through collaborative programs of Christian service that provide for immediate human needs, strengthen family life, develop leadership and encourage personal responsibility.” You can find out more about what they do on a day to day basis here or watch the video below.

We are excited about what the future has in store for us at Dumas Wesley, and we can’t wait to make this transition with you all together!

As we embark on this new journey together, we must remember that the vision for Harbor Community Church will always remain the same. Wherever we might gather on Sundays, with the help of the Holy Spirit, our goal will always be to “glorify God by making disciples of all nations!”