Four signs of a corrupt leader.

Those who buy them slaughter them and go unpunished, and those who sell them say, ‘Blessed be the LORD, I have become rich,’ and their own shepherds have no pity on them.”

— Zechariah 11:5

Corrupt leaders see people as a means to an end.

They are willing to oppress and slaughter those under their care as long as it ultimately profits them in the end. There's no remorse in their hearts; they only care about themselves, their reputation, or their gain.

Corrupt leaders think they're above the law.

When trouble arises, they will do whatever it takes to escape without a scratch. They will hand out favors so they can cash in on them later. They will shout loud to strike fear into the heart of their accuser. Wit and flattery are their friends, and they're a master of words. No sin is too great for them to escape.

Corrupt leaders worship money.

In the eyes of the wicked, profit is the ultimate sign of God's blessing. They are willing to profit off wickedness and celebrate it as a gift from the LORD. It doesn't matter how they turn a profit as long as their bank account is full.

Corrupt leaders are indifferent toward their flock.

They shrug their shoulders at the pain and suffering of their flock. Their hearts are calloused, and they simply don't care anymore. Where they likely started with good intentions, somewhere along the line, they started going into the field for the paycheck.